Devi, a short film written and directed by Priyanka Banerjee, with an ensemble cast of actors like Kajol, Shruti Haasan, Neha Dhupia, Neena Kulkarni, among others, released a few days ago. This hard-hitting short film has been making waves ever since, and a lot of appreciation and praise poured in for the same. The short film revolves around rape victims and is a tale of sisterhood, suffering, and truth. However, now, the makers of Devi have been accused of plagiarism.
The accusation comes from Abhishek Rai, a student of Asian Academy of Film and Television, Noida, who claims that Devi has been plagiarized from a student film ‘Four’. Four, which is also a short film, has been written, directed and edited by Rai, and it is about real-life cases of rape and sexual abuse, including the victims of 2012 gang rape case, and the Kathua rape-murder case. Abhishek Rai took to his Facebook, and accused the makers of plagiarism. He wrote how it is their hardwork, and watching someone just take it and be appreciated as an original is heartbreaking.
Abhishek Rai wrote, “Of course our film was a student film, with very little production design, bad audio and stuff, but still it's a child of our own imagination and it's ruthless how anyone can just pick up a piece of thought and claim it to be theirs." He asked for the support of other students and college faculty so they can take action against the makers of Devi.
In other news, during a press conference for the film Devi, Kajol opened up about the difference the Me Too movement has made. She said, “Yes, there’s a difference, and it’s not just on a film’s set. To be very honest, if you ask any man anywhere, after the MeToo movement took a life of its own and embroiled a lot of very well known people in it. I think somewhere down the line, men—good, bad, indifferent—took seven steps back.”
Image Source: YouTube/AndaKurry Productions/LargeShortFilms