Now that Deepika Padukone is done with a successful year at the box-office, it’s time for the actress to unwind. Yes, a short vacay with friends figures on the list (Deepika Padukone seeks divine grace, December 29). As does a New Year celebration with beau Ranveer Singh (Ranveer-Deepika to ring in New Year in Europe, December 25).
And while she has got the time, the actress is looking at changing things up on the home front too.
We hear, her plush pad at Beau Monde Towers in Prabhadevi, Mumbai is undergoing renovation. Dippy is particularly looking at sprucing up her kitchen and has ordered for a modular kitchen from Italy.
Says a source close to the actress, “Deepika is looking into all the details of how her place should be done up. She was very clear about what she wanted in her kitchen and has shelled out close to Rs. 22 lakh on the kitchen alone.”
Thumbnail Image Source: facebook/DeepikaPadukone