Varun Sharma is all set to take you down the memory lane and remind you of your college days with his upcoming film, ‘Chhichhore’, which also stars Sushant Singh Rajput, Shraddha Kapoor, Navin Polishetty and others in the lead roles. But before the cast of the film takes you on a nostalgia trip, Varun had a funny tale of his own from his younger days, which he shared during an event and it is sure to crack you up!
‘Sexa’ ak.a. Varun Sharma confessed that rather selling A-rated magazines to his friends in college (which is his character in the film), he used to sell Maa ke haath ke parathe in his school to his mates. He revealed that his mom used to cook delicious aloo parathas and he would sell them for Rs 5 each as he liked canteen ke chole bhature and campa cola more. He added that as his mom was a professor, before going to college, she’d make them for lunch. Well, we definitely realize the value of home-cooked food only when we start living in hostels or move out of our houses for work and we’re sure Varun did too!
The trailer and songs of the film have already hit the right chord with the audience as it promises to take you back to a world from where you don’t want to come back and experience friendships once again! Directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala, the film is slated to hit the theatres on 6th September.
Image Source:- instagram/fukravarun