Chehra, helmed by Rumi Jafry, will be marking actress Rhea Chakraborty’s comeback after three years. And especially after whatever she was put through the last year owing to Sushant Singh Rajput's demise. Producer Anand Pandit has come out in full support of Rhea, saying a lot of injustice was meted out to her.
“I personally feel it was a tragedy in her personal life so I don’t want to comment on that but a lot of injustice was done to that ‘poor girl’. She has done a brilliant job in Chehre and we are completely backing her and I am sure people would love to see her back on the silver screen," Anand Pandit told News18. The actress was barely seen in the trailer of the movie, barring towards the climax. The producer feels if the actress is comfortable he would rope in her for the movie promotions.
He said, “If she is comfortable with doing promotions, we will definitely involve her.”
Director Rumi Jaffrey feels gung-ho about Chehre's release in theatres because it stars Amitabh Bachchan. “In the Hindi belt Bachchan Saab is the only superstar who can work this miracle. I am reminded of his famous dialogue from Tinu Anand’s film Kaalia written by Tinu’s father Inder Raj Anand, ‘Hum jahaan khade hote hain line wohi se shuroo hoti hai.’ The queue begins from where Bachchan Saab stands. I am confident he will bring the audience back in Chehre," he told Subhash K Jha.
Image Source: Instagram/anandpandit/rhea_chakraborty