Naturally, the moments of the quartet having a blast went viral on the internet. So it’s not surprising that the two couples were offered a deal to travel together and document their vacay on social media and they have said 'yes'. As per Mumbai Mirror's report, Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are all set to take a trip together to the USA. "Fabulous Foursome are all set to travel together. The superstars have been offered (and have said yes to) a US showcase tour that will take them to New York, New Jersey, Chicago and some other American cities next year," the report reads.
DeeVeer and Ranalia together on the same trip! We are already visualising them on this fun trip and getting excited for more mushy pictures and videos.
To the people who’ve been living under a rock let us tell you that Deepika Padukone is the ex-girlfriend of Ranbir Kapoor. Recently, Ranveer Singh got married to Deepika Padukone, while Ranbir Kapoor is now dating Alia Bhatt.
Image Source:INstagram/ranveeriansworldwidefc