Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre's (NMACC) inauguration gala was indeed a star-studded event and a slew of pictures and videos from the grand party have been going viral on social media. Meanwhile, the fans are being entertained with ROLF moments for totally different reasons. From Tom Holland being called Tom Homecoming to Gigi being called GEGE Didi, a series of reels have cracked up social media users and it’s just getting interesting with every passing moment.
In one such picture, Boney Kapoor and Gigi Hadid were seen posing alongside each other and the filmmaker was seen holding the supermodel’s waist. However, the filmmaker ultimately got trolled for holding her by the waist.
Netizens found it to be awkward and trolled him for giving such a pose. The viral photo started a meme fest on Twitter. Netizens referenced Alia Bhatt’s meme from Raazi and wrote, “First Varun, now Boney Kapoor. Gigi be like.”
Another Twitter user referenced Gangs of Wasseypur and wrote: “Close enough.” A third user tweeted, “Boney Kapoor be like angrejo mai toh chalta hai (It is fine with foreigners).”
Another tweet read, “Patli kamariya tori haaye haaye haaye.” A user jokingly tweeted, “According to gayrukhpur wale Boney Kapoor is a Globalstar as he is not only posing a picture with Gigi Hadid but holding her thin waist.”
Earlier, Varun Dhawan faced backlash after a video of the actor lifting Gigi Hadid while his performance at the NMACC gala went viral. Fans found it unnecessary and unsavory of the actor to lift the supermodel. However, the actor has issued a statement clarifying that it was planned and tweeted, “I guess today you woke up and decided to be woke. So lemme burst ur bubble and tell u it was planned for her to be on stage so find a new Twitter cause to vent about rather than going out and doing something about things.”
Later, Gigi Hadid clarified the air around the controversy after she posted a story saying “Varun Dhawan making my Bollywood dreams come true.”
Image Source: Instagram