Days after the video found its way online, Akali Dal spokesperson, Manjinder Sirsa shared it on his Twitter page, alleging that the stars were in a drugged state when the video was filmed. He went on to follow up his Twitter rant with a video message for the stars reaffirming his belief that they were indeed under the influence of drugs. The politico even said that we would be filing an FIR against them, soon.
A very important letter to @karanjohar @MissMalini @pinkvilla @republic @aajtak @deepikapadukone @shahidkapoor @kamaalrkhan @Varun_dvn @vickykaushal09 @Rangoli_A #RanbirKapoor #NatashaDalal #MalaikaArora #ZoyaAkhtar #AyanMukerji #MiraRajputKapoor @arjunk26
— NotKangana (@KanganaNot) August 1, 2019
Hot on the heels of these developments, an open letter from a mysterious twitter account called, Not Kangana, has featured online. The piercing letter that minces no words, raises questions for Karan Johar. “You were never a good filmmaker but once upon a time you understood marketing and film PR well,” it begins. “What were you thinking when you shot and put out this video on your own social media where you have our big stars visibly in a vulnerable and intoxicated state?” it questions.
“Were you showing to all of us your closeness and influence over these stars even after giving string of flops? That this happens only at a Karan Johar party?,” the letter further questions.
“India has changed Karan, and not entirely for the worse. We aren’t any longer worshipping stars and celebrities unquestioningly,” the letter remarks.
Image Source:- twitter/KanganaNot, instagram/karanjohar