Actor Salman Khan is currently one of the biggest stars in the country. Each film of Salman is bound to set the cash registers on fire. But a director once said that he will leave the industry if he became a star. Yes, you read that right! Well, Salman’s debut film, Biwi Ho To Aisi has completed 33 years of its release and on this special day, we thought of giving you an interesting trivia regarding the actor. During an episode of Dus Ka Dum, Salman revealed a story on how he was cast in the JK Bihari directorial venture. He mentioned it to be all about ‘timing and fate’.
Salman said, “I will tell you a story of Biwi Ho To Aisi. I met Bihari sahab (the filmmaker) about two, three years ago. I asked, ‘Sir, aapne mereko uss picture pe sign kaise kiya (Why did you sign me for your film)? He told me he went to many stars who rejected the movie.”
Further quoting director JK Bihari, Salman said, “He (Bihari) told me, ‘Ab jo bhi next idiot iss garage me aayega, main usko sign karunga (Whichever idiot walks into this garage next, I will take him for my next film)’. And at the time, I had thought I would make a high-speed entry in the garage.”
Speaking about JK’s opinion about Salman, earlier, in one interview, BHTA producer Suresh Bhagat who had complete faith in the movie star revealed that ‘the director had said at the time that if Salman ever became a star, he would leave the industry.’ “Aaj wo (JK Bihari) industry chorr diya hai (That filmmaker has left the industry as promised),” the producer added.
Talking about the film, Biwi Ho To Aisi is about a married woman named Shalu (played by Rekha) who struggles at her in-law's house and overcomes all obstacles in her married life to win over the acceptance of her domineering mother-in-law Kamla (played by Bindu). She acts to be a villager until one day, Shalu reveals her true identity. Salman Khan played Shalu's brother-in-law and late actor Farooq Sheikh played her husband.
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