According to a report in Hindustan Times, “An official from Amboli police station, Dasani was arrested from his residence on Tuesday and he was produced before a local court. After the proceedings, the court granted bail to him.”
However, there has been no official confirmation on the same. For those who don’t know, Bhagyashree’s husband is a producer and businessman. Their son Abhimanyu, made his big screen debut with the film Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota in lead role.
Speaking of Bhagyashree, she stayed away from the industry after her big debut. Talking about the same, she had told NDTV, “Just like I played a role in a movie, the role of a mother was a part of my life but is not defined by it. Today, I’m into fitness, nutrition, travelling and if another movie comes along - I’ll do it all over again. I don’t like that either you’re a ‘working woman’ or a ‘stay at home mom’ - why can’t women be 10 different things... why can’t we keep exploring and with every phase, discover a new passion? From actress, to mom, to giving exams on nutrition at this age, I’ve loved every feather on my hat...and there will be plenty more to add to it.”
Image Source:- Thebridalbox