Ever since Hrithik Roshan made his Bollywood debut in 2000 with Kaho Na...Pyaar Hai! we couldn’t stop gushing over the actor’s dancing prowess. We are sure you totally agree with us too. While we are struggling with our Monday blues, Hrithik’s mother Pinkie Roshan shared a major blast from the past that has certainly helped us in getting rid of our Monday blues in a second. The actor’s mother, taking to her Instagram handle shared a video of Hrithik just killing it with his dance moves, during his childhood.
Though a little blurry, while the video starts with a girl dressed in white breaking into some dance moves, followed by that, comes in the frame little Hrithik, taking over the stage and instantly becomes the wedding videographer’s favourite, he ends up capturing only the actor. Not being bothered by presence of many others around, Hrithik kills it with some solid dances moves. The actor is seen dressed in a blue shirt paired with white bottoms. Pinkie captioned this post as, “#onecapturedmoments” ALSO READ:
Do You Think The Unforgettable Satte Pe Satta Should Be Remade?
Hrithik’s latest release at the
box office WAR was a treat for his fans ticking all the boxes. From his excellent acting skills to his impeccable dance moves, in the songs
Ghungroo sharing screen space with Vaani Kapoor and
Jai Jai Shivshankar where he grooved with Tiger Shroff.
Hrithik of late has been in news for the remake of Amitabh Bachchan and Hema Malini starrer Satte Pe Satta, but as per an exclusive report in SpotboyE.com, the actor has been
heard of reconsidering about this project, before he puts pen to the paper.
A source close told us, “Hrithik is being a bit careful with the choice of his next project. Yes, he had given a nod to Satte Pe Satta remake but is now having second thoughts about it. He does not seem very convinced, but you never know- the debate is still on.”
Image Source: PR