Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan had made the headlines in 2022 for launching his own liquor brand. He along with his friends ventured into entrepreneurship in December to launch their premium vodka brand in India, D’YAVOL, which translates to devil. He threw a grand bash for the same in Mumbai recently, which was a star-studded event.
Celebrities like Roshni Walia, Nyra Banerjee, Priyank Sharma,Nehhaa Malik and many more took to their social media handles to drop pictures and videos from their event. While fans couldn’t stop fawning over the beauties, a section of netizens brutally trolled Aryan for his signature ‘no expression’ look in the photos. The 25-year-old looked super stylish as paired his all black outfit with multicoloured jacket and thin silver chain.
ALSO READ: Aryan Khan To Launch His Own Vodka Brand In India! Announces His Business Debut With Slab Ventures- DEETS INSIDE
On the professional front, apart from venturing into business, Aryan Khan is all set to make his debut as a scriptwriter and director. It is being reported that his first project is a thriller series that is all set to go on floors next year. He will be directing his untitled series for a leading OTT platform. For the unversed, he is Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan’s eldest son. He completed his graduation from the University of Southern California. His sister, Suhana Khan too is all set to make her debut in Bollywood as an actress with Zoya Akhtar’s ‘The Archies’ alongside Agastya Nanda and Khushi Kapoor.
Image Source: Instagram