Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli became parents to a baby girl on January 11. It was Virat Kohli who took to social media to announce the birth of their baby girl. Later, the couple sent in goodies to paparazzi requesting them to not click pictures of their daughter. Today, Anushka Sharma took to her Instagram account to share the first picture of their baby girl and even reveal her name. The couple has named their little angel Vamika.
Anushka shared a picture that sees her holding her baby girl in her arms while Virat fondly looks at her. The actress captioned her post as, "We have lived together with love, presence and gratitude as a way of life but this little one, Vamika has taken it to a whole new level !Tears, laughter, worry, bliss - emotions that have been experienced in a span of minutes sometimes !
Sleep is elusive but our hearts are SO full Thanking you all for your wishes , prayers and good energy."
Replying to Anushka's post, Virat replied, "My whole world in one frame" with a heart emoji. Aww, Virat makes for such a sweet father, doesn't he?
Earlier, Virat won hearts as he changed his Twitter bio to "A proud husband and father." Take a look at Anushka's post below:
While making the announcement of their baby's arrivals, Virat had shared a note that read, "We are thrilled to share with you that we have been blessed with a baby girl this afternoon. We thank you all for your love, prayers and good wishes. Anushka and the baby are both healthy and we are feeling beyond blessed to start this new chapter of our lives. We hope that you can respect our privacy at this time. Love, Virat." (Also Read:
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