Bollywood filmmaker Anurag Kashyap never shies away from sharing his experiences in life. He has been making many revelations during his recent media interactions while promoting his recently released film Almost Pyaar with DJ Mohabbat. The director, who has been divorced two times now, recently opened up about his experience of using dating apps and why he deleted them.
Talking about his married life, Anurag had tied the knot with his first wife, film editor Aarti Bajaj in 1997. While they later separated in 2009, they are proud parents of a daughter Aaliyah Kashyap. In 2011, the producer got married for the second time to actress Kalki Koechlin, who he got divorced from in 2015. For the unversed, Anurag shares a cordial relationship with both of his exes and often talks about them during his interviews.
On the work front, his latest film Almost Pyaar with DJ Mohabbat starring Karan Mehta and Alaya F released on February 3rd.
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