Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s sudden and untimely demise has left almost everyone including friends, family and fans in shock. The Chhichhore actor died due to suicide on June 14 after he hung himself in his Mumbai residence. As Sushant was in a long-term relationship with actress Ankita Lokhande until they finally parted ways years back, in an exclusive interview with, the late actor’s friend Sandip Ssingh reveals Ankita Lokhande hasn’t stopped crying since Sushant Singh Rajput’s untimely demise.
When asked about how is Ankita Lokhande now, Sushant Singh Rajput’s friend Sandip Ssingh said, “I spoke to her today, finally. I was away from her for 3-4 days for a reason and today also when she called me, she started crying. And I can't take it anymore because I don't want to see her like that. But she is a strong girl and a God's child. Her talent is a blessing just like Sushant. I can't tell you what they meant to each other.”
After Sandip Ssingh mentioned speaking with Ankita, he continued to share that he was away from her for 3-4 days for a reason. Talking about how Ankita is dealing with Sushant’s demise, Sandip Ssingh revealed that when she called him after 3-4 days, she started crying. He then went on to share that he cannot take it anymore as he does not want to see her in that state. Speaking about Lokhande, Ssingh revealed she is a strong girl and God’s child and her talent is a blessing just like Sushant’s was.
Meanwhile, as Sushant Singh Rajput’s friend Sandip Ssingh opened up about Ankita Lokhande’s condition, he also mentioned that they both meant a lot to each other.
Image source: Instagram/ Sandip Ssingh