Bollywood superstar Alia Bhatt is once again in the spotlight, and this time it's for her exciting upcoming appearance at Paris Fashion Week. After making waves with her breathtaking debut at the Met Gala, Alia is now preparing to grace the runway in one of the world’s most prestigious fashion events. Recently named the Global Brand Ambassador for L'Oréal Paris, Alia will make her runway debut on September 23, 2024, at the iconic Place de l'Opéra, marking a significant milestone in her global fashion journey.
In an official statement, the Jigra actress expressed her excitement about the event, saying, "Firsts are always special, and I am deeply honoured to walk for Le Défilé with L’Oréal Paris at Paris Fashion Week. Being among such inspiring, powerful, and confident women is such a moment of pride for me, and I can’t wait to join them at this platform that celebrates sisterhood and empowerment." This marks a momentous occasion for the actress, who has consistently championed women's empowerment and self-confidence throughout her career.
Alia won’t be the only prominent figure at the show, as she will be joined by other international icons and L'Oréal Paris ambassadors. The star-studded lineup includes global celebrities such as Aishwarya Rai, Kendall Jenner, Viola Davis, Jane Fonda, Leila Bekhti, Luma Grothe, and Marie Bochet. Together, they will walk the runway in a show that blends the worlds of fashion and beauty, reinforcing the message of empowerment, inclusion, and self-worth.
Alia is expected to present the brand’s Worth It lipstick shade, further promoting the message of self-confidence and inner beauty. The theme for this year’s Le Défilé show is "Walk Your Worth," celebrating sisterhood and the empowerment of women from all walks of life. The event will transform the Place de l'Opéra into an open-air runway, designed to be accessible to all. This unique setup not only turns the exclusive Parisian venue into a statement of inclusivity but also highlights the powerful connection between fashion and inner beauty.
As Alia Bhatt gears up for her runway debut, fans and fashion enthusiasts are eagerly anticipating the ensemble she will showcase at the event. Her involvement in such a high-profile global platform underscores her rising status as an international fashion icon, and her continued advocacy for women’s empowerment only adds to the excitement surrounding her participation.
Image Source: Instagram