Love is in the air for Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor. Alia, who basking in the success of her films, is going strong with her boyfriend, Ranbir Kapoor. So much so, that now the actress doesn’t shy away from talking about the love of her life in public. After saying “I Love You” to her “special someone” at the recently held 64th Filmfare Awards 2019 (Saturday), Alia and Ranbir have been painting the town red with their love.
Recently, Alia Bhatt shot for the April issue of Filmfare with her Kalank co-star Varun Dhawan, spoke about Ranbir’s past relationship. During the conversation, the Raazi actress was asked about his troubled past to which she had an interesting reply. She said, “How does it matter? It’s part of someone’s life and who cares. Aur main thodi na kam hoon.”
Further she went on to talk about her relationship with her Brahmastra co-star. She told the leading website, “It’s not a relationship. It’s a friendship. I’m saying this with all genuineness and honesty. It’s beautiful. I’m walking on stars and clouds right now. The best part is that we’re two individuals, who are living our own professional lives in its full form right now. He’s shooting continuously. So am I. It's not a situation where you'll see us constantly together. That's the true mark of a comfortable relationship. Nazar na lage. In fact, there’s a beautiful book titled My Brilliant Friend. Ranbir’s my brilliant friend.”
ALSO READ: STUNNER OR BUMMER: Katrina Kaif, Disha Patani, Anushka Sharma, Taapsee Pannu Or Alia Bhatt?
Ranbir Kapoor was rumoured to be dating many women in the industry. Before Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor was in a relationship with Katrina Kaif, and much before that with Padmaavat actress, Deepika Padukone. Despite ending their relationship on a bitter note, Ranbir shares a cordial relationship with both the exes. As per recent reports, Ranbir-Alia will be taking a US tour with Deepika-Ranveer. At the recent Filmfare awards 2019, Ranbir and Katrina too were seen kissing and hugging each other.
Image Source:- Instagram/aliabhatt/ranbir_alia, deccanchronicle
Recently, Alia Bhatt shot for the April issue of Filmfare with her Kalank co-star Varun Dhawan, spoke about Ranbir’s past relationship. During the conversation, the Raazi actress was asked about his troubled past to which she had an interesting reply. She said, “How does it matter? It’s part of someone’s life and who cares. Aur main thodi na kam hoon.”
Further she went on to talk about her relationship with her Brahmastra co-star. She told the leading website, “It’s not a relationship. It’s a friendship. I’m saying this with all genuineness and honesty. It’s beautiful. I’m walking on stars and clouds right now. The best part is that we’re two individuals, who are living our own professional lives in its full form right now. He’s shooting continuously. So am I. It's not a situation where you'll see us constantly together. That's the true mark of a comfortable relationship. Nazar na lage. In fact, there’s a beautiful book titled My Brilliant Friend. Ranbir’s my brilliant friend.”
ALSO READ: STUNNER OR BUMMER: Katrina Kaif, Disha Patani, Anushka Sharma, Taapsee Pannu Or Alia Bhatt?
Ranbir Kapoor was rumoured to be dating many women in the industry. Before Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor was in a relationship with Katrina Kaif, and much before that with Padmaavat actress, Deepika Padukone. Despite ending their relationship on a bitter note, Ranbir shares a cordial relationship with both the exes. As per recent reports, Ranbir-Alia will be taking a US tour with Deepika-Ranveer. At the recent Filmfare awards 2019, Ranbir and Katrina too were seen kissing and hugging each other.
Image Source:- Instagram/aliabhatt/ranbir_alia, deccanchronicle