Akshay Kumar is set to star in director Neeraj Pandey’s next film. The actor has bagged too many films in his kitty and this one will surely keep the actor quite busy. Akshay has earlier worked with Neeraj Pandey in films like Baby and Special 26. The actor has been every mainstream filmmaker’s most popular choice and is set to reunite with director Neeraj Pandey for a film based on National Security Advisor Ajit Doval.
The actor has about seven big films in his kitty including Mission Mangal, Housefull 4, Good News, Sooryavanshi, Laxmmi Bomb, Bachchan Pandey and Ikka. According to a report in Mumbai Mirror, the actor has been roped in for Neeraj Pandey’s next film based on the life of Ajit Doval, National Security Advisor to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. However, there has been no official confirmation regarding the project as the film is still in its scripting stage and the filmmaker has another film Chanakya with Ajay Devgn lined up.
A source in the report added, “Neeraj will first make Chanakya with Ajay Devgn, which was announced a few months ago. Akshay also has to complete prior commitments. The team wants to lock the script before making an official announcement.”
The star was recently spotted spending some quality time with wife and kids in London. Post that, the actor has been busy with his upcoming film Mission Mangal, directed by Jagan Shakti. The film is scheduled to release on August 15, 2019 and will also star Vidya Balan, Taapsee Pannu, Sonakshi Sinha, Kirti Kulhari, Nithya Menen and Sharman Joshi in pivotal roles.
Image source: Deccanchronicle, deccanherald