Only and only Akshay Kumar can do it. The actor posted a brand new picture of him posing for the cameras. Akki can be seen wearing a white angarakha and holding a white embroidered Anarkali depicting the 16-17th era. Though Akshay isn't bald in this picture this definitely reminds us of his Housefull 4 look where he played a double role. The picture Kumar posted is from the sets of his latest commercial he is shooting and Akki just gave a shout out to the brand.
After many months of the first ad commercial going on air, Akki took to his Instagram account sharing one of the behind the scenes pictures from the sets, as he shoots for yet another commercial for this brand. Dressed in white traditional Bengali attire, the Housefull 4 actor is seen holding apparel flashing a smile. He captioned this image as, “Doodh si safedi #Nirma se aaye, has been etched in our memories! Happy to be a part of the #Nirma family...had an absolute ball shooting the ad today, can’t wait for you guys to see it” ALSO READ:
Akshay Kumar: ‘Wrong News Can Affect People, Have Seen Marriages Breaking In Front Of Me'What would be Twinkle Khanna’s reaction to it? And if she ever comments on it, it would be a savage one. The actor is currently basking in the glory of his last release Housefull 4. Though it
didn’t get a thumbs up from critics, the audience enjoyed it, getting the box office figures ringing.
Image Source: Instagram/akshaykumar