Junaid Khan has indeed left everyone impressed with his phenomenal performance in his debut film Maharaj. Seamlessly balancing his theater performances and film projects, the actor is now gearing up for his next film, Loveyapa, co-starring Khushi Kapoor. With anticipation for the film on the rise, the first song from Loveyapa is set to release tomorrow, coinciding with Junaid's live theater performance scheduled for the evening.
It is truly remarkable to see how Junaid Khan is managing both his films and theater commitments with perfection & keeping respect for the stage. After the announcement of the release date of Loveya, Junaid is first time performing in Prithvi Thestre. It seems, the first song from his upcoming film Loveyapa releases tomorrow, & the excitement around the movie continues to build. Following the success of Maharaj, Junaid is poised to win hearts once again with his next project!
On the work front, Junaid Khan will star in Loveyapa opposite Khushi Kapoor, and he also has an upcoming film with Sai Pallavi.
Image Source - PR