A few days ago, Payal Ghosh had made allegations of sexual misconduct against filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, and had accused that he forced himself on her. The filmmaker had denied these allegations calling them ‘baseless’, and several celebrities such as Taapsee Pannu, Kalki Koechlin and others came out in support of Kashyap. Payal Ghosh, who accused Anurag of sexual misconduct, then filed an FIR against him. She has now said that while she is being grilled and questioned, the guilty is ‘chilling at his home’.
On Saturday, the actress questioned if she will get justice, as she is being grilled and interrogated, while the accused is sitting at his home and is chilling. She tweeted, “I have put down a case against a culprit who even others are convicting of similar acts and I am the one who is grilled and questioned. While the alleged and the guilty is chilling at his home. Will I get justice sir @natendramodi @PMOIndia @AmitShah #MeToo.”
Replying to this, Chief of National Commission for Women Rekha Sharma assured the actress, “Got your complaint and have already written to @DGPMaharashtra.”
Meanwhile, Anurag Kashyap’s lawyer issued an official statement on the filmmaker’s behalf. It was shared by Anurag on his social media, and it read, “My client, Anurag Kashyap, has been deeply pained by the false allegations of sexual misconduct that have recently surfaced against him. These allegations are completely false, malicious and dishonest.” ALSO READ: Saqib Saleem Reacts To Payal Ghosh Dragging Huma Qureshi's Name In #MeToo Allegations Against Anurag Kashyap: 'My Sister Is My Life, My Pride'
Image Source: JustDial.com