After Arjun Kapoor, girlfriend Malaika Arora has announced that she has tested positive for Coronavirus. Yesterday afternoon, the 2 States actor had taken to social media to inform his fans and followers that he has tested positive for COVID-19. The actor had mentioned that he’s asymptomatic and has isolated himself at home. Now, Malaika also revealed that she too is asymptomatic and has been quarantining at home. Malaika recently resumed the shoot and joined the judging panel of dance-reality show India’s Best Dancer along with Terence Lewis and Geeta Kapur. Recently, a few cases reported on the sets of the show.
Malaika took to Insta and wrote, “Today I have tested positive for coronavirus but I want to inform you all that I am feeling fine. I am asymptomatic and following all the required protocols and will be quarantined at home as instructed by my doctor and authorities. I request all of you to stay calm and safe. Thank you for all your support. Much love, Malaika Arora.”
Last night speaking to Times Of India, India’s Best Dancer Judge Malaika had confirmed her testing positive for COVID-19. She told the portal, “Yes, I have tested positive. I am asymptomatic and have self-quarantined at home. I will bounce back healthier and stronger.
SpotboyE wishes Arjun, Malaika a speedy recovery!
Images Source: instagram/malaikaarora