Earlier on, SpotboyE had broken the news that all is not well on the sets of Rajkumar Santoshi's BadBoy. The film that will launch Amrin and Namashi (Mithunda's son) was having its fair share of hiccups over Amrin's makeup. The makeup artist was changed 3 times in a span of 6 days and that had lead to chaos of some sorts. Rumour was afloat that the confusion stemmed from the film's costume designer Niharika Bhasin Khan's suggestions to producer Sajid Quershi.
Eventually the dust settled when Rakul Preet's make-up artiste Salim Sayyed reached Bengaluru to doll up Amrin.
After all the controversy settled, the Rajkumar Santoshi directed film is facing more issues. There has been no shoot for last four days in Bengaluru because of heavy showers. There is no official confirmation as to when the shoot will begin again. All this has increased the budget, no doubt.
Watch this space for more updates on BadBoy.
Image Source: tygpress