Talking to us exclusively, Vishal Singh says, "I was shocked when my mother sent this link to me and informed me that she received it on her WhatsApp. Sushant and I were friends of course because we two have worked together in Balaji Telefilms. We used to also party at times and share a good bond. But this report says that I was in his school and neighbour now which is completely false. After receiving this video I tried to find out what it is and later came to know they were confused by the identity. Apparently, another person named Vishal Singh who is Sushant's schoolmate and neighbour in his hometown has given some interviews and they have made a news report out of it. But the revelations they are making I don't think he must have also said that".
Ask him what all the report says? And Vishal replies, "Knowing the fact that it's such a sensitive topic and how much everyone is involved emotionally right from his fans, followers, family and legal authorities like Mumbai Police are investing so much of time and energy to find the truth for him. They are saying Vishal (Me) has said that Sushant died by suicide early morning 3 am and did not asked for juice. Mumbai Police has recovered 21 lakh rupees from his servant and they are hiding this information. They went on saying that Sushant's family is keeping mum on the matter as they have pressure from the underworld. I mean how can they even make such statements on my name? If they don't correct the error I have no other option than going legal against them".