Vicky posted the story an hour ago on his Instagram and captioned it as Goals AF. In the picture, Alia is seen laughing her gut out. Alia Bhatt received Best Actress (Popular) Award, her beloved Ranbir Kapoor won the Best Actor (Popular). On the other hand, Ranveer Singh won Best Actor (Critics) award for his character Khilji in Padmaavat and the cherry on cake was when he went down on his knees to receive the award from his wife Deepika Padukone.
Alia thanked Team Raazi for receiving the Best Actress awards, said, “Meghna, for me, ‘Raazi’ is you, your blood and sweat. You are my main chick. Vicky, without you, the film wouldn’t be complete. Thank you, my mentor, Karan for being my mentor, father and my fashion police. Tonight is all about love; there, my special one, I love you (Ranbir Kapoor).”
But do you think Vicky’s bold move overshadowed Alia’s sweet gesture? Let us know!
Image Source:- Instagram/ vickykaushal09