Recently,we told you about Sofia Hayat shedding her sexy image to embrace spirituality (Sofia Hayat sheds ‘Sexy’ tag and turns into a nun, May 23rd). A nun now, she calls herself Gaia Mother Sofia. Barely days after her latest film Six-X -- it has Sofia in a steamy lovemaking scene with Ashmit Patel -- was screened at Cannes, the actress-model-singer talks to SpotboyE about the new person that she is. Excerpts...
Now that you are a nun, do you follow celibacy?
Yes, I have not had sex since July 2015. But that doesn’t mean sex is bad, it’s the sacred life force. Don’t throw it away.
You once advocated free sex and women’s liberation. What are your views on those issues now?
You once advocated free sex and women’s liberation. What are your views on those issues now?
Like I said, sex is supposed to be sacred. But when it is enjoyed without respect or love, it depletes the life force and turns us into mere physical beings. Remember, the body is like a car, driving us around this planet. The problem is, we spend so much time preening the car, we forget who the driver is. Secondly, we have been tricked into believing that emancipation is all about sexual liberation and revealing our bodies. The irony is, the freedom we think we are parading is just what man wants.
Go on...
Just look at what women have become -- make-up wearing fashionistas who undergo plastic surgeries because of their insecurities. Most women in the entertainment industry have undergone cosmetic surgeries, but they will never admit it. Young girls, who look up to them, believe it is real beauty and get depressed over not being blessed with such looks. So, a fake reality is being presented to our fans. Their breasts look like Barbie doll’s breasts because most are silicone, but they will pretend otherwise.
As a celebrity, how have you decided to bring about a change?
As celebrities, we have a responsibility towards young women, and I am totally up for it. I will never wear make-up again and present a fake face, which has been marketed as perfection. Actually, we are perfect with all our blemishes, we are hiding the miracles that we are. Also, 99 per cent of all cosmetic products have carcinogens. We know this, but don’t care. Our ego is far stronger than our love for ourselves.
Does that mean you will quit films?
I had signed a Hollywood film and also an Indian project based on Indrani Mukerjea, but will opt out of them now.
Your film Six-X has some hot bedroom scenes...
The film was made last year and is one of my best works. But I don’t want people to watch it, because my avatar is super sexy and seductive. It’s all the things I am not anymore. I want everyone to know who I am now.
Image Source: hqdefault
Some people might call your transformation a publicity stunt…
Well, I have a film that has just been to Cannes and I have a very sexy avatar in it. Then, why would I dress like this and say I will not work in movies again? Now, the purpose of my life is to realise the truth.
You are planning a visit to India?
Yes, I want to spread the truth of who we are and what our purpose in life is. I am also going to help areas facing drought and donate all my earnings from Six-X to orphanages.
Thumbnail Image Source: instagram/sofiahayat