But the actress is in awe of her co-actor Sudipta Chakraborty. Jaya has praised her for being one of the strongest actresses of Tollywood. “It was a moment of pleasure and honor sharing the screen with @SudiptaaC Di, one of the strongest actresses in the Tollywood industry and my most favorite. A Behind the scene glimpses from the hectic schedule of #Bhootpori at Borgee da’s #Aarhani Restaurant,” Jaya tweeted.
It was a moment of pleasure and honor sharing the screen with @SudiptaaC Di, one of the strongest actresses in the Tollywood industry and my most favorite. A Behind the scene glimpses from the hectic schedule of #Bhootpori at Borgee da’s #Aarhani Restaurant. ❤️ pic.twitter.com/Y06jeFOeHu
— Jaya Ahsan (@JayaAhsan2) September 5, 2019
The music will be composed by Nabarun Bose. Interestingly, the film is presented by Koel Mallick.
Meanwhile, Jaya Ahsan will be next seen opposite Prosenjit Chatterjee in Atanu Ghosh next directorial titled as Binisutoy. Atanu Ghosh has shared the two posters of his film. Jaya Ahsan and Ritwick Chakraborty are in the lead role. The movie is about two strangers and how they find peace in each other’s story.
Image Source:- twitter/JayaAhsan2/status