Jaya Ahsan has recently wrapped the shooting of Atabu Ghosh's Roobibar. And the news of her next film is coming in the headlines. The actress will be next seen in Kaushik Ganguly's Ardhngini and she will share screen space with Churni Ganguly.
The news was first reported in The Times Of India. The story will revolve around the housewife or better half. The actress is very excited for the new role. The shooting of the film will start in end of October.
Meanwhile, Jaya will also be seen in Soukarya Ghosal's Bhootpori. The official poster has been released already and fans went gaga over the look. The story is about a little boy suffering from chronic somnambulism. One day he encounters a ghost who is trapped in a time warp for 70 years. Soon, they realized that the woman is killed 70 years ago and now they have to find the killer.
Reportedly, Soukarya said that a woman who died in the year of 1947 meets a boy in 2019. With the help of the boy the ghost comes to know about her death. It was not a death but a murder.
The music will be composed by Nabarun Bose. Interestingly, the film is presented by Koel Mallick.
Image Source:- jaya.ahsan